Saturday, February 02, 2008

Why its great to be a woman..

* Free drinks.
* Free dinners.
* Free movies.
* New lipstick gives you a whole new lease on life.
* If you are not making enough money you can blame the glass ceiling.
* No fashion faux pas you make could rival the Speedo.
* Brad Pitt.
* No one passes out when you take of your shoes.
* If you're dumb,some people will find it cute.
* You can quickly end any fight by crying.
* Your friends won't think you're weird if you ask whether there's spinach in your teeth.
* There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.
* You'll never regret piercing your ears.
* You know which glass was yours by the lipstick mark.

Why its great to be a Man...

* Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
* A five day vacation requires only one suitcase.
* You can open all your own jars.
* Old friends don't annoy you if you've lost or gained weight.
* You don't have to lug a bag of useful stuff around everywhere you go.
* Your last name stays put :)
* You can be showered and ready in 10 minutes.
* Wedding plans take care of themselves.
* None of your co-workers have the power to make you cry.
* If you're 34 and single nobody notices.
* You can wear a white shirt to a waterpark.
* Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
* You can whip your shirt off on a hot day.
* Car mechanics tell you the truth.
* One mood, all the time.
* Same work...more pay.
* Gray hair and wrinkles add character.

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